image of Saturn


Taken under poor seeing (4/10), the B ring as well as cassini division is visble. Note the split in the  SEB, shading on the globe as well the greenish SPR collar and the brownish  south polar region.

Date: 10th Mar, 2003 13:01UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of Saturn

Taken under poor seeing (4/10), the B ring as well as cassini division is visble. Note the split in the  SEB, shading on the globe as well the greenish SPR collar and the brownish  south polar region.

Date: 20th Jan, 2003 15:44UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro


image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 15th Jan 2003 through the Takahashi Mewlon 250 at F/27

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 1st Jan 2002 through the Celestron C11 at F/23

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 18th Dec 2001 through the Celestron C11 at F/23

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 23rd Jan 2000 through the Celestron C11 at F/23

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 23rd Jan 2000 through the Celestron C11 at F/23

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 8th Jan 2000 through the Celestron C11 at F/16

image of Saturn

Saturn - imaged on 26th December 1999 through the Celestron C11 at F/16

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Last revised: March 10, 2003.