I'm an amateur star-gazer located in Singapore. This unique location of 1.3 degrees north of the equator allows objects both in the northern and southern hemisphere to be visible.

Currently my main telescope for planetary work is the Takahashi Mewlon 250, (250mm f/12 of the Dall-Kirkham design). The Mewlon 250 has very good optics and is able to provide  very high resolution images of the planets as well as detailed view of the planets visually. In March 2010 I received my Astro-Physics Mach1GTO German Equatorial Mount and this replaces the William Optics GT-ONE. Click here for more information on the performance of the Mach1GTO. In March 2011 I received the CR upgrade for the Mewlon250 which will allow me to use the mewlon250 for DSO imaging as well. Click here for the Mewlon250CR page.

Takahashi Mewlon 250 with Astro_Physics Mach1GTO
Takahashi Mewlon 250 on Astro-Physcis Mach1GTO. Setup for Deep Sky Imaging, Stellarvue SV80S (80mm F/6 triplet super APO with LOMO optics), QSI583WS CCD camera on Mach1GTO

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Last revised: April 12, 2011.