2003/2004 apparition images

image of jupiter


GRS has passed transit. Callisto has started transit of the jovian surface. Callisto has a lower surface brightness than jupiter so it appears dark during transit.

Date: 13th Apr, 2004 15:11UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro (RAW) 

image of jupiter


GRS in transit. Callisto is near the lower right limb and entering transit soon. Visually the GRS appears as very bright orange. Some hints of surface features on Callisto in this image.

Date: 13th Apr, 2004 14:12UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro (RAW) 

image of jupiter


Comparison of  Toucam in Normal and RAW color mode.
A side by side comparision is also done with auto seletion of frames vs manual selection of frames in registax.

image of jupiter


My first image for apparition of 2003-2004. First attempt with Toucam in color RAW mode, this results in a reduced noise in the final image hence retaining the low contrast features.

Date: 10th Apr, 2004 14:57UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro (Raw)


2002/2003 apparition images

image of jupiter


This image is taken when jupiter altitude is only 55 degs. Seeing is very poor at this altitude. Note the white oval at the SPR.

Date: 17th Apr, 2003 14:25UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter


This is one of my very best shot to date consider that jupiter is only 39" in size. Taken in 7-8/10 seeing. GRS rotating into view from the following limb. Note the dark spot on the north hemisphere. The jetstream spot seems less obvious now after contacting the GRS

Date: 17th Apr, 2003 13:21UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter


Poor seeing this evening. The jetstream spot on SEB apparently has broken into two and one them has already contacted the GRS.

Date: 13th Apr, 2003 12:36UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter


Some thin clouds moved in and seeing has degraded much for this image. The GRS has rotated near to the CM. The jetstream spot on SEB is approaching the GRS. Note it's position on the 19th Mar image.

Date: 10th Apr, 2003 13:44UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter


The GRS is near the following limb, the SSTB ovals are clearly seen. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB. Fine details are noted over the whole visible disc. Note the changes in the relative position of the features compared to the 19th Mar image.

Date: 10th Apr, 2003 12:56UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter


The GRS is just at the very edge of the following limb (look very carefully), the SSTB ovals are clearly seen.  The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB. Fine details are noted over the whole visible disc.

Date: 19th Mar, 2003 14:01UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter

Image taken in poor seeing. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB. The NTB is weak and segmented, the remains can be seen just after the CM and rotating into view of the following limb. Fine details are noted over the whole visible disc.

Date: 18th Mar, 2003 14:28UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter GRS is in transit and near the CM. The dark matter around the GRS has changed compared to what was seen in the images on 7th March. The dark streak south of the GRS has broken up further. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB.

Date: 17th Mar, 2003 14:26UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB. The NTB is weak and segmented, the remains can be seen at the CM longtitude.

Date: 16th Mar, 2003 14:22UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Io is in transit, the dark polar region could be seen against the jupiter background. You can compare the details with the 10th Mar shots and see the changes in details. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB.

Date: 15th Mar, 2003 15:05UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter This is a larger processed version of the io transit shot, you can compare the difference with the 14:39UT image. The dark polar region could be seen against the jupiter background.. You can compare the details with the 10th Mar shots and see the changes in details. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB.

Date: 15th Mar, 2003 14:47UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Io is in transit, the dark polar region could be seen against the jupiter background.. You can compare the details with the 10th Mar shots and see the changes in details. The NTrB can be seen here as a grey line just north of the NEB.

Date: 15th Mar, 2003 14:39UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Part of the remaining weaken NTB can be seen just rotating into view at the following limb.Note the whole stucture of the SEBz and dark matter along the STB

Date: 10th Mar, 2003 15:44UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Another image from 10 Mar, with the rest of the 3 images you can see the rotation of jupiter.

Date: 10th Mar, 2003 15:24UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter My best shot to date. This image is about 7mins apart from the earlier on, however the features (GRS) near the limb appears to "move slower" compared to the features near the CM. Compare the details carefully to see the rotation.

Date: 10th Mar, 2003 15:07UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter GRS is near the preceding limb. Note the blue festoon that stretches from the NEB to SEB. The NTrB which is not visible normally can be seem as a grey belt just north of the NEB. 

Date: 10th Mar, 2003 15:00UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter GRS is in transit. The dark matter around the GRS has changed compared to what was seen in the images days earlier. The dark streak south of the GRS has broken up further. The NTB remains weak and segmented. Note the long dark streak and white oval  at the NNTB as well as it's changes compared to the images earlier.

Date: 7th Mar, 2003 16:10UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter GRS is in transit. The dark matter around the GRS has changed compared to what was seen in the images days earlier. The dark streak south of the GRS has broken up further. The NTB remains weak and segmented. Note the long dark streak and white oval  at the NNTB as well as it's changes compared to the images earlier.

Date: 7th Mar, 2003 15:48UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Ganymede appears near the preceding edge of the disk. Much details were noted over the disk. Some tiny white spots were observed near the NNTB, their rotation can be follow in the 3 images. The NTB remains weak and segmented, the NEB appears dark, with a dark festoon near the CM in the 15:00UT image. The SEB appears to be bisect by a thin bright zone.

Date: 3rd Mar, 2003 16:37UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Ganymede appears near the preceding edge of the disk. Much details were noted over the disk. Some tiny white spots were observed near the NNTB, their rotation can be follow in the 3 images. The NTB remains weak and segmented, the NEB appears dark, with a dark festoon near the CM in the 15:00UT image. The SEB appears to be bisect by a thin bright zone.

Date: 3rd Mar, 2003 15:45UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Ganymede appears near the preceding edge of the disk. Much details were noted over the disk. Some tiny white spots were observed near the NNTB, their rotation can be follow in the 3 images. The NTB remains weak and segmented, the NEB appears dark, with a dark festoon near the CM in the 15:00UT image. The SEB appears to be bisect by a thin bright zone.

Date: 3rd Mar, 2003 15:23UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Ganymede appears near the preceding edge of the disk. Much details were noted over the disk. Some tiny white spots were observed near the NNTB, their rotation can be follow in the 3 images. The NTB remains weak and segmented, the NEB appears dark, with a dark festoon near the CM in the 15:00UT image. The SEB appears to be bisect by a thin bright zone.

Date: 3rd Mar, 2003 15:00UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Much details were noted over the disk, the NEB appears dark, a bright zone was observed in the NEB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image. The region of the SEB preceding the GRS appears dark for it's southern border. A dark streak was observed at the NNTB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image and appears to be breaking up.

Date: 2nd Mar, 2003 16:41UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Much details were noted over the disk, the NEB appears dark, a bright zone was observed in the NEB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image. The region of the SEB preceding the GRS appears dark for it's southern border. A dark streak was observed at the NNTB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image and appears to be breaking up.

Date: 2nd Mar, 2003 16:17UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Much details were noted over the disk, the NEB appears dark, a bright zone was observed in the NEB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image. The region of the SEB preceding the GRS appears dark for it's southern border. A dark streak was observed at the NNTB which is near the CM in the 16:17UT image and appears to be breaking up.

Date: 2nd Mar, 2003 15:47UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Io can be seen in transit across jupiter, the dark contrast of it's two poles can be seen easily. Oval BA is near the preceding limb. The NTB is weak and only traces can be seen in the image. Note the fine details/ovals in the NEB,SEB and the polar regions.

Date: 27th Feb, 2003 16:32UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Another shot from 23rd Feb 2003. 3 mins after my best shot. GRS is in ransit near the CM. Note the orange color materials flowing from one of the white ovals in the STB

Date: 23rd Feb, 2003 16:28UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter My best shot to date. GRS is in transit near the CM. The NTB is weak and only traces can be seen in the image. The dark streak south of the GRS is beginning to break up and segmented. Note the dark matter just north of the GRS.

Date: 23rd Feb, 2003 16:25UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter This image shot just 4 mins earlier than the next image shows the rotation fast rotation of jupiter especially in the equatorial region. GRS is in transit near the CM. The NTB is weak and only traces can be seen in the image. The dark streak south of the GRS is beginning to break up and segmented. The NEB appears dark as well as the preceding part of the SEB before the GRS.

Date: 23rd Feb, 2003 16:21UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The NTB is weak and only traces can be seen in the image. The dark streak south of the GRS is beginning to break up and segmented. Note the dark matter just north of the GRS.

Date: 23rd Feb, 2003 15:57UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Joint effort with Hong Kong Planetary master Eric Ng

The NTB is weak and only traces can be seen in the image. The dark streak south of the GRS is beginning to break up and segmented. Note the dark matter just north of the GRS as well as the light orange material flowing from the NEB-N.

Date: 23rd Feb, 2003 15:57-15:58UT
Telescope: 10" F6 Newtonian @ f/34.5 and Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) @ f/27  
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The NTB remains weak and segmented. Oval BA can be seen just coming in at the following limb. Notice the blue festoon on the NEB. Io can be seen coming out from the far side of jupiter.

Date: 12th Feb, 2003 16:55UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The GRS is near the preceding limb while Io with it's dark polar regions visible is in transit with it's shadow cast on the disk The moon far to the following limb is Europa. Note the active SEB disturbance.

Date: 11th Feb, 2003 17:35UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The NTB is weak and segmented. Oval BA is near the preceding limb. The GRS is about to come into view. Note the fine details in the SEB and the dark festoon north of the NTB.

Date: 10th Feb, 2003 18:13UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Notice the fine details on the SEB preceding the GRS and the details on the NPR and SPR. The NTB is weak and segmented.

Date: 8th Feb, 2003 17:35UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Lunar New Year Jupiter! Joint effort with Hong Kong Planetary master Eric Ng

Part of SEB Disturbance and Oval BA can be seen on these two images. As transparency at that night was very low, the "ring" effects can be found near the edge due to insufficient dynamic range and under exposure.

Date: 31 Jan, 2003 14:58. 18:15UT
Location: Hong Kong
Telescope: 10" F6 Newtonian (R.F. Royce Mirror)(R.F. Royce Mirror)
Mount: Vixen New Atlux
Barlow: Televue 5X Powermate, F34.5
Camera: Philips ToUcam Pro
Exposure: 1/25 sec
Stacking: 500 frames
Processing Software: Registax 1.1, Photoshop 5.0

image of jupiter Notice the fine details on the SEB and NEB. The NTB is weak and barely visible.

Date: 25th Jan, 2003 18:59UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter One of my best jupiter image to date. The white oval can be seen on the hollow between the GRS and SEB. The development can be seen and followed with daily observations. Note the dark festoon on the EZ region.

Date: 25th Jan, 2003 18:16UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Oval BA can see seen near the preceding limb. The NTB is weak and segmented. Note the details on the SEB and NTB. The dark festoon on the EZ region is interesting and worth observing. 

Date: 24th Jan, 2003 19:00UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The NTB is weak and segmented. Note the details on the SEB and NTB. The dark festoon on the EZ region is interesting and worth observing. 

Date: 24th Jan, 2003 18:28UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/27  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter The GRS is near the preceding limb. Note the active SEB disturbance. The NTB is weak and not visible in this image.

Date: 20th Jan, 2003 19:35UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/24  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Note the active SEB disturbance. The NTB is weak and not visible in this image. Note the dark streak just above the GRS.

Date: 20th Jan, 2003 18:37UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/24  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter Note the active SEB disturbance. The NTB is weak and not visible in this image. Note the dark streak just above the GRS.

Date: 20th Jan, 2003 18:27UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/24  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro

image of jupiter First light jupiter image with the mewlon 250. This images tells me I've not made the wrong choice for my planetary scope.

The GRS is near the CM. Note the active SEB disturbance. The NTB is weak and not visible in this image. Note the dark streak just above the GRS.

Date: 20th Jan, 2003 18:27UT
Telescope: Takahashi Mewlon 250 (250mm F/12 Dall Kirkham) at f/24  
Mount: William Optics GT-1
Barlow: Televue 2X Barlow
Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam Pro


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Last revised: April 13, 2004.