USA visit - July to August 2003.

Under construction



Group photo at Mr Joseph Liu's observatory with his 8" Astro-physics on AP1200 GEM with (from left) Mr Joseph Liu, Alan Chu, myself and Eric Ng
Visit to Stellafane 2003
Group photo with (from left) myself, Tom Dobson and Eric Ng
Group photo with (from left) Ed Grafton, myself, Eric Ng and Don Parker
Presenting of gift (Solar system Gallery, by- Damian Peach, Tan Wei Leong, Eric Ng) to Mr Don Parker.
Photo with Mr Ed Grafton
Talk given at the ALPO (Association of  Lunar and Planetary Organisation) meeting
Effects of Atmospheric Chromatic Dispersion
Use of Magneta filter for correction of Red and Blue bandpass for Mars imaging

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Last revised: April 04, 2003.